What I Do

Goals Coaching
As an entrepreneur, you know what it takes to get things done: finding a need and filling it, building a business from the ground up to do so.
Unfortunately, for many entrepreneurs, their work becomes their life. When people talk about work-life balance you nod along and agree that it’s important, but then turn around and throw yourself back in. You might dream of a 3-month walk-about, or of climbing that mountain, but how on earth are you going to fit that in when there’s always another fire to put out, another emergency that needs to be resolved.
Goals That Matter is designed to help you dream, create, and plan your personal goals the same way you would approach planning a new business endeavor. With the tools within, you’ll be able to figure out what is important to you, create meaningful goals, and learn how easily chunk your goals into bite-sized pieces that you can fit into your busy schedule.
If you don’t want to look back on your life thinking “I wish I had spent more time doing…” Goals that Matter will help you design the life you want to lead.
Michael Nelson
Michael Nelson is a serial entrepreneur, with his largest company being TLC Tech, a technical support company providing Managed IT Services. He developed Goals that Matter when he realized that his work-life balance skewed heavily towards work, and needed a way build “life balance” back into his schedule.

You’ve Got Cancer
You've Got Cancer. These are probably the three scariest words one can hear. I heard them on December 15 th , 2020. I had just awoken from a routine colonoscopy to be told that I had cancer. I was immediately taken to have an MRI scan done, followed by blood work and...
Who Are You Spending Your Time With
I recently got back from a road trip with a friend that’s in my Covid bubble. We were gone for 5 days and camped so we were away from others. We did a lot of driving and did amazing hikes every day. It was a very active trip. I got home on Friday and on Saturday...
Dealing with Goals When You’re Sick
Recently, I was sick. Luckily, it wasn’t Covid-19, but it did knock me down hard. I was sleeping a lot and had very little energy. I’d get up in the morning to do a bit of work, sleep and then do a little bit more in the afternoon, just to keep up with my “day job.” I...