My Story

Michael Nelson is a serial entrepreneur, with his largest company being TLC Tech, a technical support company providing Managed IT Services. He has been an entrepreneur since starting his first company at age 29.

After losing his first company during the “Dot-Bomb”, he started his second company (TLC Tech) vowing to do it differently. With TLC Tech, he decided to do long-range planning, set goals and work toward accomplishing them. The business was successful and grew steadily.

On a vacation to Puerto Rico in 2013, he realized that his work-life balance skewed heavily towards work, and he needed a way build “life balance” back into his schedule. During that fateful trip, he sat down and wrote out a one-page plan for the seven areas of his life he wanted to improve—business, financial, relationships, family/friends, health/fitness, fun/leisure and spirituality.

He reviewed this document every month or two and make decent progress with his goals. He eventually incorporated reviewing his goals on a daily basis when he started doing Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning routine. It’s at this point that his goal achieving journey really took off!

The one-page sheet he wrote down in Puerto Rico became the basis of the Goals That Matter System. Over the ensuing years, he fine tuned his process and started doing in-person GTM sessions with friends and business associates. After seeing success and getting feedback from this initial group of users, he finalized the Goals That Matter system and started working on his book.

He now has a successful business, a balanced life and is publishing Goals That Matter in June 2021

3455 American River Drive, Suite C, Sacramento, CA, 95864