Michael’s Blog
You’ve Got Cancer
You've Got Cancer. These are probably the three scariest words one can hear. I heard them on December 15 th , 2020. I had just awoken from a routine colonoscopy to be told that I had cancer. I was immediately taken to have an MRI scan done, followed by blood work and...
Who Are You Spending Your Time With
I recently got back from a road trip with a friend that’s in my Covid bubble. We were gone for 5 days and camped so we were away from others. We did a lot of driving and did amazing hikes every day. It was a very active trip. I got home on Friday and on Saturday...
Dealing with Goals When You’re Sick
Recently, I was sick. Luckily, it wasn’t Covid-19, but it did knock me down hard. I was sleeping a lot and had very little energy. I’d get up in the morning to do a bit of work, sleep and then do a little bit more in the afternoon, just to keep up with my “day job.” I...
Do your friends move you towards your goals or away from them?
Recently, I went kayaking with a friend. It was a great outing, made a little more challenging by the wind going against us. I realized this was a great metaphor for friendship: it’s great to have the help of a friend when you’re facing a challenge or trying to reach...
Re-engage your goals as we re-open our world
As someone who regularly achieves most of the goals I set for myself, the past two and a half months have been an interesting experience in my goal achieving practice. California started its shelter in place in mid-March. The first 2 weeks I did fine with my goals....
Chunking Down Goals is Critical for Success
I have a goal for this quarter: create a social posting plan for Goals That Matter, to be implemented once the book is published. For the month of April, I looked at that goal every day and thought “I’ve still got plenty of time.” And that is a problem. There are...
Is COVID-19 Affecting Your Goals?
For those that have gone through my Goals That Matter system, you know I’m not keen on giving up on goals. At times, we may discover a goal is no longer serving us, so I recommend looking at your “Why”. Why did you set the goal? What were you ultimately trying to...
Allow Yourself some Grace
We are now several weeks into shelter-in-place and I’ve talked to many friends who have seen their enthusiasm to work on goals range from “I’ve got all the time to do what I need now” to “I don’t have any energy to do anything today.” Often during the same day! This...
Keep your Routines, Keep your Sanity
I have been working remotely for about three weeks now, just before California mandated “shelter in place” orders. I started a bit earlier than most because of my business. In that time, I’ve learned a few lessons about routines: they help me keep my sanity and some...